皇冠hg2020手机app下载 has been contracting for PSEO with several school districts since 2002. We are currently serving 18 area school districts. PSEO Contracting saved over $100,000 a year for one district. As little as $300 for another. The average savings of our 18 current contracts was just under $19,000 per district/per year. We follow all existing laws, allocations, payment formulas, and intentions. Contracting for PSEO will likely save most high schools some money.
We can do an assessment based on your high school’s current per pupil financial allocation from the Minnesota Department of Education to determine if there is a financial benefit to your high school in contracting PSEO services with 皇冠hg2020手机app下载. In these tough economic times we have to capture any and all funding we can for the education of our students. Every dollar helps!
Interested superintendents should contact Dale Amy, Director of High School Collaborations at Dale.Amy@whtmy.com for more information.